In Flutter, responsive designs can be achieved by using a combination of different techniques. Here are a few ways to create responsive designs in Flutter:
Use the `MediaQuery` class: The MediaQuery class allows you to access information about the screen size and orientation of the device. You can use this information to adjust the layout of your widgets based on the screen size.
Use `LayoutBuilder` class: The LayoutBuilder widget allows you to build a widget tree based on the constraints passed to it. This can be used to create responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.
Use `FractionallySizedBox` class: The FractionallySizedBox widget allows you to size a child to a fraction of the total available space. This can be used to create responsive layouts are responsive to the screen size.
Use `Expanded` and `Flexible`: Expanded and Flexible are widgets that can be used to size a child based on the remaining space in a Flex layout. They can be used to create responsive layouts that are adapt to different screen sizes.
Use `Responsive widget`: There are some Flutter packages that provide responsive widgets like `flutter_responsice`, `flutter_builder` and so on. These packages make it easy to create responsive designs by providing pre-build widgets that automatically adjust to the screen size.
Use `OrientationalBuilder`: This widget can be used to listen to the changes of the screen's orientation, and based on that, you can make your widgets adjusted to the new screen's size.
It's important to note that responsive design is not only about screen size, but also about the different screen densities, aspect ratios and also font size accessibility. Therefore, you should always consider testing your app on different devices with different configurations to ensure that it looks good on all of them.